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Here are the basic rules shipped in the framework:

 * Validates if given value is not empty
 * @message Parameter is required
 * @example ...'|required'

 * Validates if the value is a string
 * @example ...'|string'

 * Returns error if given value is greater than given parameter, if value is not numeric compares string length
 * @message Parameter cant be less than Value
 * @example ...'|min:20|'

 * Returns error if given value is less than given parameter, if value is not numeric compares string length
 * @message Parameter cant be greater than Value
 * @example ...'|max:20|'

 * Returns error if given value is between given parameter, if value is not numeric compares string length
 * @message Parameter must be between From and To
 * @example ...'|between:20,40|'

 * Validates if checkbox is checked. Valid values: `'on', 1, 'true', true`
 * @message Parameter must be checked
 * @example ...'|checked|'

 * Validates if given value is object
 * @message Parameter must be object
 * @example ...'|object|'

 * Validates if given value is array
 * @message Parameter must be array
 * @example ...'|array|'

 * Validates if given value is boolean
 * @message Parameter must be boolean
 * @example ...'|boolean|'

 * Validates if given value is valid json
 * @message Parameter must be valid json
 * @example ...'|json|'

 * Validates if given value contains only digits and letters
 * @message Parameter can only contain digits and letters
 * @example ...'|alpha_numeric|'

 * Validates if given value contains only digits
 * @message Parameter can only contain numbers
 * @example ...'|numeric|'

 * Validates if given value contains only letters
 * @message Parameter can only contain leters
 * @example ...'|alpha|'

 * Validates if given value contains only letters and dashes
 * @message Parameter can only contain letters and dashes
 * @example ...'|alpha_dash|'

 * Validates if given value is correct email
 * @message Parameter must be correct e-mail
 * @example ...'|email|'

 * Validates if given value is in given array
 * @message Parameter is invalid
 * @example ...'|in_array:1,2,a,b,c|'

 * Validates if given value is not in given array
 * @message Parameter cant be Value
 * @example ...'|not_in:1,2,a,b,c|'

 * Validates if given value is valid IP Address
 * @message Parameter must be valid ip adress
 * @example ...'|ip|'

 * Validates if given value is valid URl
 * @message Parameter must be valid URL
 * @example ...'|url|'

 * Validates if given value equals to given parameter
 * @message Parameter must equal to Value
 * @example ...'|equals:foo|'

 * Validates if given value don't equals to given parameter
 * @message Parameter can't be Value
 * @example ...'|not_equals:foo|'

 * Validates if given value don't contains one of parameter
 * @message Parameter must contain "Value"
 * @example ...'|contains_one:foo,bar,2|'

 * Validates if given value don't contains every given parameter
 * @message Parameter must contain "Value"
 * @example ...'|contains_all:foo,bar,2|'

 * Validates if given value starts with given prefix
 * @message Parameter must start with Value
 * @example ...'|starts_with:foo|'

 * Validates if given value ends with given suffix
 * @message Parameter must end with Value
 * @example ...'|ends_with:foo|'

 * Validates if given value is valid date
 * @message Parameter must be valid date
 * @example ...'|date|'