Active Element
The activeElement
store exposes the currently focused element.
Focus an element in the grid to see its number.
<script lang="ts">
import { activeElement } from 'louisette'
$: number = $activeElement?.dataset.number ?? null
<p class="mb-4 text-sm opacity-60">
{#if number}
The active element is <strong>{number}</strong>.
Focus an element in the grid to see its number.
<div class="grid w-fit grid-cols-5 grid-rows-4 gap-2">
{#each Array.from({ length: 20 }) as _, i}
class="flex h-10 w-10 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-accent-200 text-sm shadow hover:bg-accent-100 active:scale-90 dark:bg-accent-700 dark:hover:bg-accent-600 md:h-16 md:w-16 md:text-base"
data-number={i + 1}
{i + 1}